Bonus Details

​​​​Total Bonus Points Earned to Date

  • Total bonus points earned from the card issue date up to the most recent bank statement period.
  • Türkiye Finans reserves the right to provide or stop special offers for card holders that involve points, installments, extra installments, advance transaction or installment postponements, interest-based installments, discounts or similar benefits, as well as the right to stop or change already announced offers.

Outstanding Bonus Points

  • Total bonus points carried over from the previous account summary.

Current Bonus Points Earned

  • Bonus points earned from the purchases and offers in the respective bank statement period.

Current Bonus Points Spent

  • Total bonus points redeemed during the respective bank statement period at merchants and other institutions selected by the Bank.

Total Bonus Points Ready to be Spent

  • Total bonus points that can be redeemed as of the respective bank statement period.
  • Bonus points cannot be used if the card is cancelled or payments are overdue.

Donations by Bonus Points

  • You can make one-time or regular donations to a philanthropic organization of your choice using the bonus points accrued on your credit card.​